The United States in the Seventies
Travel-Photos by a writer since 1968
4.jpg New York by day
The Big Apple at its biggest
(49 photos by Mario Biondi)
259.jpg New York by night
Tenebrous, dangerous, fascinating...
(26 photos by Mario Biondi)
640.jpg New York from the air
Canyons of steel and glass...
(16 photos by Mario Biondi)
620.jpg New York from the water
The best way to enjoy the most famous skyline in the world
(40 photos by Mario Biondi)
114.jpg New York's Underground
You know what it is...
(24 photos by Mario Biondi)
84.jpg New York's anonymous traces
Did they make less heavy the local squalor? Mmm...
(23 photos by Mario Biondi)
286.jpg New York - Murales by City Arts
Made the neighborhoods better with their colours
(25 photos by Mario Biondi)
749.jpg Philadelphia in 1976 (Bicentennial Year)
The U.S.A. were born here
(23 photos by Mario Biondi)
690.jpg Washington D.C. in 1976
The modern Rome?
(43 photos by Mario Biondi)
649.jpg People, parks and street shows
Some happy people, at last
(58 photos by Mario Biondi)
364.jpg San Francisco
Really "cool", in august 1973
(82 photos by Mario Biondi)
773.jpg The cable cars
Really a great attraction...
(31 photos by Mario Biondi)
811.jpg California
On the Coast and inland
(51 photos by Mario Biondi)
490.jpg Las Vegas
A night in the craziest "cult" site of this world
(26 photos by Mario Biondi)
147.jpg Painted Desert and Petrified Forest
Earth or Moon?
(48 photos by Mario Biondi)
841.jpg Grand Canyon
Nature worked for millennia to create it
(42 photos by Mario Biondi)
587.jpg More Arizona
Antiquities, desert, rivers, volcanoes, woods...
(40 photos by Mario Biondi)
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